Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Chapter Sixteen

Since he had escaped, Tristan's men had been patrolling the surrounding lands looking for Symon. It was only a matter of time before they found him and one morning they did. Storming into the house the soldiers dragged him out. "Symon!" Emelia shouted as she ran out of the house after him. He was struggling with the soldier until he head Emelia. "Go back!" he shouted at her. Thomas came out right behind her and tried to lead her back inside, but it was no use. As the manacles locked around his wrists, he looked to his wife. With the slighted nod of her head she steeled her emotions and watched as they led him away.

"Emelia, it's time to leave."  "Just one more moment father." Emelia said leaving the home she had grown up in. "I had hoped to raise our child here." "I know dear. Perhaps one day  it will be safe to return." Emelia and Thomas started out for Tigo, the last safe haven from Tristan. Symon had told them long ago if the soldiers came for him to leave and head for Tigo. Locking the door to their home for what would probably be the last time Thomas asked, "Symon doesn't know about the baby, does he?" "No, he doesn't."

When the soldiers stopped for the night, they removed the manacles and tied Symon to a tree keeping him under guard. Symon waited until all the other soldiers had fallen asleep, very quietly he removed the dagger he kept in his boot and cut through the ropes holding him. Once free he turned his blade to the guard, Slowly lowering his body to the ground as not to alert the others. Fading into the dark forest, Symon circled the camp and stole one of the horses that were tied there. As soon as he was on the horse he took off full speed, hoping to put some distance between the guards and himself.

When morning came Symon dismounted his horse and sent it off the opposite direction he intended to travel. He returned home to Arda. deciding to set up camp in the woods beyond the ruins of his home. As he neared his former home he was overcome with memories. This was the only home he ever known, his father had built it with his own hands. Kneeling down in the overgrown grass surrounding his parents graves he began to cry, sob after sob racked his body, he cried till he could no longer.

When he had regained composure, he walked over to the charred ruins of the house. Picking his way through the debris, looking for anything that might be salvageable. The food had long since rotted, and scavengers had taken anything of value. He came to where the kitchen used to stand, the old stove still stood. He went to light a fire figuring he could at least have a hot meal, but the stove pipe was clogged, reaching up into the pipe he couldn't believe what he pulled out, it was a small silver box containing mother's ring and folded up inside was the letter the messenger had sent. Mother must have hidden these items, just before the soldiers arrived. Symon could feel his eyes tearing up. He wanted to stay longer, but knew it was not safe for he was a wanted man, so he headed off to the woods.

After he had eaten, he sat down to read the letter, he couldn't believe what he was reading, there was no way this could be true. Symon was the son of the king and Tristan was his brother. He was instantly filled with anger, Tristan would pay. He would pay dearly. Not only had he killed Symon's parents, but worse he had stolen his life, his family, his destiny. Reading this letter just added fuel to his desire for revenge. He would start with Marius, and work his way up to Tristan. Symon knew the art of the sword, yet how does one kill the darkness? He vowed to find a way.

Once he had read the letter Symon tossed it into the fire, making sure every last word burned, no one need know the truth, not yet anyway. Maybe one day, but not today. Once the letter had burned into the ground he rolled over and got some sleep, it was late into the night and he planned to be on his way before dawn.

Symon wanted nothing more than to rush to Marius' home and kill him where he stood, knowing now that Marius' wife was his sister. He wondered if she knew the truth this whole time or if she was just as much in the dark as Symon was. Putting his plan into action, he purchased some dye from the local seamstress and went down to the river where he dyed both his hair and his beard, hoping this combined with the jagged scar across his face that he would bear the rest of his life would serve as a sufficient disguise. Once finished he headed to Marius' house to put his plan into action. Symon had heard through the villagers that Marius had an opening in his house as a servant, this would be the perfect way to get close enough to study his kind for weakness.

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