Monday, March 20, 2017

Chapter Fifteen

Symon awoke to the sound of footsteps, afraid to open his eyes for fear that he would find himself back in the cell, or worse be greeted by his executioner, he squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he could, when a woman's gentle voice spoke to him telling me he was safe here. Where was here? he opened my eyes slowly and looked around, having not seen sunlight in so long he was momentarily blinded by the brightness. Quickly he shut his eyes once again, turning his head away from the light. The woman who spoke earlier asked if he was alright, he told her it was too bright. Through closed eyes he could see the room get darker, the woman had pulled the curtains closed, and lit candles instead. Symon very slowly opened his eyes once more, this time he was able to see that he was in a small cottage. The woman who had spoken before came over to him and asked it the light was better now, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. The light was much better. She introduced herself as Emelia, she and her father Thomas lived here in this cottage. She told Symon that he had had been here for nearly two weeks, and was unconscious for most of that time. She brought him a bowl of broth saying he must be hungry, which the growling of his stomach answered before he could say yes. After helping him sit up, she gave Symon the bowl. He was so weak he could barely lift the spoon, after just a few bites he was exhausted. He could tell Emelia wanted to ask me something, so he told her to go ahead and ask. Just as she was about to say something the front door opened and he could hear a man's voice call out. Emelia left Symon telling him to rest and went out to greet her father. As He listened to their muffled voiced he dozed off, soon falling into a deep sleep.

When next Symon awoke two days had passed, he could hear Emelia and Thomas talking. Though he was weak, he could no longer stay abed. Very slowly he made my way out of the room and into the kitchen where Thomas and Emelia were. Symon must have looked horrid since Thomas gasped and nearly dropped the bowl of porridge he was holding. Symon made a joke about how bad he looked as Emelia came over and helped him to a chair scolding him the whole way for being out of bed. Once Thomas composed himself symon apologized for frightening him. Thomas told him it was not the wounds that shocked him, but that for a moment he thought he was looking at Julius, King Merek's father. Symon ate the food that Emelia placed in front of him, and as he was eating they asked how he came to be in the woods. Symon told them of his parents death and his escape from the dungeon, leaving out the Queen's assistance. They told Symon how they had found him in the woods beyond the castle and brought him back to their farm. 

Once his strength returned Symon helped Thomas around his farm. This land was safe for now, Thomas' farm was all but forgotten, though Tristan's reign of terror spread across the land.
Tristan had to be stopped. Discussing this with Thomas one day Symon discovered that he used to be the weapon master at the castle under the reign of Julius. Thomas agree to teach him to fight, and his time was spent training and farming,

"Symon, may I ask something?" Emelia asked one morning. "Yes, you may ask anything of me." "I understand wanting revenge for the death of your parents, but what will that accomplish? Revenge will not bring them back."  "Emelia, I must avenge their deaths, they cannot go unanswered."  "Is that what they would have wanted, forgive me if I am too bold, but perhaps there's another option."  "What else is there?" Symon asked. "Honor their memory, but live your life." Emelia answered
"What life? I have no home, I'm wanted by Tristan, all those who cared for me are dead." Not all, I care for you Symon. You could stay here if you wish."  "Truly? I have cared for you since I woke up here, though I knew it was foolish to act upon my feelings. You deserve better." Symon answered pulling Emelia close. "Let me decide what I deserve." Emelia answered as they kissed.

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