Thursday, March 2, 2017

Chapter Fourteen

The following morning Symon was awakened by a boot to the ribs. The guards were here. They shackled and him led from the dungeon. He was led through the waiting crowd stopping in the center of town. He was chained to a post and the flogging began.

When it was over Symon was dragged back to my cell and dumped inside. As he lay there, unable to move he heard the door to the dungeon open. Assuming it was one of the guards, he called out to him "leave me be". It did not matter at this point if he was fed or not. Footsteps advanced towards the cell, and Symon yelled at them "didn't you hear me? Leave me be" as he rolled over to face the door to his cell.

To his surprise it was not a guard, it was a woman. "Is that how you speak to your Queen?" She scolded. "My apologies your highness. Forgive me for not bowing, but I'm afraid I am unable to do so." Symon said as he dragged himself to the door so she could see him. To Symon's surprise she joined him on the cold, dirty ground. Never in his life had he imagined that he would be face to face with the queen, let alone have a conversation with her. When she saw him, there was a strange look that passed over her face, it was almost a look of recognition. She did not ask what his crime was, nor did she ask Symon's name. "I apologize for your current predicament, though I would help if you would allow me to." She said. "How will you help? Herbs to dull my senses so I will not feel my death?" Symon said harshly. "I Wish to help you escape."

Late into the night the queen returned as promised, she had in her possession the key to the cell. Symon looked at her in amazement. Who was this woman, that she would risk her own life to save mine? They both knew that if she was found out, her life was forfeit. Once the door was unlocked, she led Symon through the dark corridors of the dungeon to a small opening. She told him that this led out of the castle, it was an old servants entrance from years past that had been all but forgotten. As Symon pushed the door open, he thanked her for her kindness, and begged her to be safe. Unsure as to why, he felt a connection with her, and knew that if his escape brought her any harm he would never forgive himself. Symon left the castle as quickly as possible, which in his state was not very quick at all. having no plan, no idea where to go. He no longer had a home. Symon was in such a sorry state, due to his many wounds, and hunger that he did not make it far at all, just a few miles away from the castle He collapsed.

"Go my son. My Symon. Be safe, one day you will return and we will be together at last." Allinor said as she stood in the door way and watched until symon was out of sight. Closing the door and quietly making her way back up stairs. Waiting at the top of the stairs for her was Tristan. When she saw him all the color drained from her face. "What were you doing mother?" Allinor had no answer. "Check on the prisoner" Tristan told his guard. "He's gone." The guard said. "Find him!" Tristan hollered. Grabbing Allinor by the arm he growled "You'll pay for this" as he led her away.

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