Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chapter Ten

Tristan became a ruthless king, punishing people for the smallest infraction, those that once hailed him as a savior, now feared him. Just as Cecily had been forced into marriage, Tristan forced Emma and Juliana to marry as well, marrying them off to others of his kind, all three of my girls had been taken to different lands. Lands that Tristan had conquered and given to the most loyal among his kind.

I tried to do what I could to help my people, using what influence I still had to free those who had committed minor infractions from the jail, all in a effort to undermine Tristan.

My efforts were in vain, as Tristan found out. I was forced to watch as he publicly killed the man I had freed. Announcing to all who were made to gather there that he was king, and I had no more authority, upon his decree, everyone bowed acknowledging his authority. My power was gone, I had to find a way to stop Tristan.

For many years now, Tristan has sat on the throne. The kingdom is in ruins, the people need their TRUE king. I fear you are the only one who can save us. Your time has come...

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chapter Nine

Tristan had stripped all of the nobles loyal to Merek of their titles and lands, banishing them from the kingdom. He then bestowed the lands to those that here loyal to him. Since the demons did not eat, the lands they were given were not farmed, and a famine settled across the land. Since the people did not have enough to eat, pestilence soon followed. I begged Tristan to have mercy on the innocent people, and after many months of death, he agreed to save the people, since they did not know he was the cause of the famine, they hailed him as a savior when he provided food again. He did so by taking over the neighboring land of Arda, thereby expanding the borders of Lanos, and having a readily available source of food for the people.

On the day Cecily turned seventeen, Tristan called her and myself for an audience, informing us that a marriage had been arranged between Marius, one of his kind and Cecily. I was in shock, Cecily just looked from Tristan to me and back, as the tears welled up in her eyes. I took a step  towards Tristan, he forced me to stop, freezing me to that spot. He then brought in Marius, the man Cecily was to wed. Controlling Cecily, he joined their hand and performed the marriage rites himself, as tears streamed down her face.

When Tristan was finished, Marius led Cecily from the room. I was furious, demanding to know what gave him the right to force his sister into marriage.  Being king gave him that right, of which he was quick to remind me, his anger sending me slamming into the wall. I was her mother, yet I could do nothing to protect my daughter from the tyrant that was her brother.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Chapter Eight

Tristan left the village with Lucian, his father, they traveled to Lucian's home where Tristan was raised up in the ways of his kind. He was told of his royal birth, how he was firstborn and rightful heir to the kingdom of Lanos. He was taught to use the powers he was born with, to embrace his thirst, how to use his powers to get whatever he desired. Though all he truly desired was revenge. Revenge on the father who wished him dead, revenge on the mother who had let him go. Revenge on the siblings that had the life he should have had. When the time was right, Tristan made his way back, in the guise of a noble merchant from a distant land, here to trade goods with the kingdom of Lanos.

In the months following Tristan's takeover, he sent for Lucian and the rest of his kind to join him. I was ordered to be locked in my chambers, and be kept under guard at all times. Tristan knew I was hiding something, and spent many hours trying to pull the secrets from my mind. It took all my strength to resist him, but I knew for my son's sake I must not let his existence be known. The girls were kept in their chambers as well, far on the other side of the castle. I knew not what Tristan had in store for his sisters, and I feared for their safety.

The only time we were all together was during our weekly family meal. Tristan would send for us, and we would sit around the table in some twisted semblance of family. Tristan was seated at the head of the table, with me to his right and Lucian to his left. I  would look into those glowing eyes across the table from me and try to understand why. Why me? Why had he chosen to visit me that night? The girls were seated around the table between the others that had come here with Lucian.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Chapter Seven

Mine and Merek's relationship got better after birth of our son, He was a great father, constantly doting on his son, even inviting the girls back to court, Cecily had come of age and the suitors were trying to out do one another in order to win her hand, I knew she had no intentions of marrying just yet, leading her suitors along, enjoying all the attention she received. He was everything a little prince should be, and very well natured. 

Shortly after Symon's birth, everything changed. We had a visitor, a traveler from a distant land, with a strange accent who requested an audience with Merek and I.

He was a very young man, not yet eighteen. I knew I had never met him, yet there was an air of familiarity about him, and when I looked into his eyes I knew why. It was Tristan, come back from the dead, I looked at Merek, he didn't recognize Tristan. I tried my best to keep my composure while they talked. I wanted nothing more to run to him and embrace him, I was full of questions, how was he alive? where had he been? Why was he back? As I locked eyes with Tristan, I caught glimpses of him as a child in my mind. Was he doing this? I saw him and Alice, her death, then him and the demon that wast most surely was his father. I didn't realize I was shaking until Merek asked if I was alright.

I excused myself, as soon as the coast was clear, I ran towards the nursery. I didn't know why, but I knew that I had to get my baby out of the castle as fast as possible. I bundled him up after giving him a sleeping draft, gave him one last kiss before handing him off to his nanny. Just at that moment I heard screaming coming from the throne room, I urged the nanny to go as fast as she could, out the servants entrance, and away from here. I trusted her and knew she would care for my baby boy.

 I rushed back to the throne room just in time to see Tristan pull a bloody sword from Merek, who was lying prone on the floor in a puddle of blood. Tristan then calmly walked over and sat on the throne, the guards came running intending to avenge their king, but with just a motion of his hand, Tristan sent the guards flying out of the throne room, slamming the door shut behind them.

 I was now alone with Tristan, in fear of my life. He had powers, the likes of which we'd never seen. We stayed locked in that room, for the better part of the day. He had many questions that needed to answered, as did I. I told him of his birth, how I begged for his life. He told me of his life, how Alice raised him, until her death, How his father had saved him, and taught him to embrace what he really was.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Chapter Six

Three years had passed since Emma came into this world. Merek had granted my request to spend the summer with the girls, taking Juliana, my third born daughter with me. Cecily was five now, and Merek was already trying to secure a betrothal for Cecily, which was another reason we had to keep up appearances. No one would pledge their son to the daughter of a disgraced Queen, for there sake I kept up appearances. I spent the next five summers with my girls, they were the best times of my life. 

As much as had grown to hate Merek, I still did my duty, praying that this time I would bare the son he so desperately wanted. I found that I was with child soon after, The child I was carrying truly was the last chance for Merek.  Part of me blamed him for not having a son yet, I gave him one, though it was true Merek was not the father, he still could have claimed him, no one would have needed to know other wise, yet he threw him away, and now asked for another.  I gave birth after a long and difficult labor, my trusted midwife brought my second son into this world. Merek was thrilled, for the first time in years, he looked at me with love in his eyes. Our son was given every comfort, and wanted for nothing. As I sat rocking my son, my thoughts drifted back to Tristan. He would have been Fifteen, just becoming a man.

Alice did what she could to raise Tristan, though the older her got the more apparent it was that he was different, he could no longer consume food, making himself sick if he tried. He has a craving that couldn't be explained, nor could it be satisfied. Cradling her crying ward, Alice soon found out what exactly he was, when he snuggled close and sunk his teeth into her neck, not stopping despite her screams, until he had drank his fill. When he realized what he'd done, he sat down next to Alice and cried until there was nothing left to cry. The smell of her blood had attracted something worse than all the animals of the forest that had gathered outside. The man entered the house, heading for the boy, seeing the features that were so like his own, Tristan went willingly and the two of them left the village.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Chapter Five

Cecily stayed at the castle until she was two, when she was given her own manor, and a household to care for her every need. I requested to go with her, I didn't want to say goodbye yet. Merek refused my request, sending my child away from me. I hugged and kissed her, promising to see her again soon. I wished more for her than the life of a Queen, I wished her the freedom to choose her path in life as I had never been allowed.  My sole purpose was to produce an heir for the king , and I hadn't even been able to do that.

 Time passed and I found myself with child yet again, time passed much as it had for the last few years, with Merek and I putting on a show in public, then going our separate ways when we were alone. I hoped and prayed for a son, but once again I was blessed with a daughter. She was named Emma, when the time came she was sent to live in her sisters household, the two of them were the best of friends. With every daughter that I bore Merek he grew further and further away. Nothing I could say or do could change what had happened, I knew he no longer loved me, though I still loved him.

Tristan was getting older, and bigger, at seven, no longer was Alice able to hide him in the tower, so under the cover of darkness, the two of them snuck out of the tower, past the guards, and into the village where Alice had a small hut on the outskirts of town just big enough for the two of them, there they would be safe. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Chapter Four

My relationship with Merek would never be the same. He was cold and distant, no longer the loving gentle man I fell in love with. He blamed me for what happened. I still could not explain it, I hadn't been with anyone other than my husband, yet Tristan was most definitely not Merek's child.  Most days I spent in my chambers with my ladies, and the nights I spent in tears. Tears for the child I would never get to hold, tears for the man I loved that was now gone. Some nights I awoke and could swear I heard crying,  my arms ached to comfort the child I heard in my dreams.

We still appeared together in public, pretending that nothing was amiss, though in private it was a much different  story. He wanted an heir, yet he hadn't so much as kissed me since I was released from the tower. One night that changed when he came to bed with me, the next morning as he was leaving I secretly prayed that I was with child, otherwise I feared my life was over. It was nearly Tristan's second birthday, I missed him, I wondered what kind of child he would have become.

Alice had become a good mother, teaching her ward to walk and talk, and telling him of all the comings and goings of court. Tristan was getting big, but  since he had been taught from an early age, he slept in the day, and learned all he could during the night. It was more and more apparent as he got older that he was of something dark.

My prayers were answered, I was with child once again. This time, no one fawned over me, or ordered me to bed. When I told Merek, for just a moment I could see the hope in his eyes, it was quickly extinguished, replaced by his icy stare once more. Time wore on, and at last my pains came.

 I prayed I would give Merek the son he desired, redeeming my self in the process, but alas, I gave birth to a girl. She was perfect, though her father was not thrilled with the news of her arrival.

He locked himself in his study and refused to even look upon his daughter.

I named her Cecily, her nurse was standing by to take her, but I refused to hand her over, holding her for the longest time. Finally I did give her to the nurse, she would be cared for in the manor befitting a princess, though I knew I would rarely see her, only when her father permitted it.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Chapter Three

Tristan was supposed to have been killed, but the servant girl charged with the task could not do it. Alice smuggled the child to an abandoned room in the north tower, keeping him alive. She made a home for him in the tower, with a bed for her and a pallet on the floor for him. She spent her nights caring for her ward, and the days caring for her distraught Queen. To keep him silent during the day, she dosed Tristan with a sleeping potion, so his cries would not be met with suspicion.

Merek accused me of betraying him, though I tried my hardest to convince him otherwise, I was banished to the south tower until he decided what to do with me. I spent a month in the tower, before Merek decided to grant me an audience.

When I was brought before him I fell down on my knees and plead for my life, as it was his decision if I lived or died. "Merek, please forgive me. I never meant to betray you, I love you and only you." As I met his gaze his eyes softened for just a moment and he spared my life. "I Loved you too Allinor"

The kingdom needed an heir, so I had a purpose. Merek could have executed me and remarried, but then the subjects would wonder why. This way, he would get his heir, and the kingdom would remain ignorant to what I had given birth to. Our staff were told that the child had died in birth, only those of us present for the birth knew the truth.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Chapter Two

The months passed and I found myself ill again, though this was a different kind of illness, this was the kind that came with the new life growing inside me. Merek was pleased when I told him the news, he was hoping for a son, though he was worried since the fever had taken a toll on me, and didn't want to take a chance of anything happening to the baby, so I was ordered to bed for the entirety of my pregnancy

 When my pains came, Merek insisted on being present for the birth of his firstborn. The baby was born backwards, with his legs being born first. It was a difficult birth, but as soon as Merek saw that it was a boy, the elation on his face made it all worth it. At that moment, before his eyes had opened, he was named. Tristan, first born of Merek and heir to Lanos. He had the most beautiful dark hair, though both Merek and I had light. He was placed in my arms and as Merek looked into the eyes of his son, I saw the horror on his face.

Tristan's eyes glowed the same as the demon in my fevered nightmare, he was not Merek's son.

Merek was furious, and ordered the child destroyed, ignoring my pleas for mercy. As his eyes met mine all the love was gone from them, in it's place was a cold anger. My son, my Tristan was taken from my arms and carried away, his cries and mine mixing into a sound I'll never forget.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chapter One

More than thirty years past, this tale begins.

I was a young naive girl of eighteen, newly wed to the Merek, the King. He was a kind and generous man, always putting the needs of his kingdom first. He was older than me, by nearly fifteen years, but I was pleased I could do what was expected of me, for my family. Our kingdom was the most prosperous in the land, with nobles coming from far and wide to pay their respects to their king and his new bride. I came to love Merek in less time than I thought I would, as he was an easy man to love.

Until I fell ill early in the second year of our marriage, that is. The physicians feared I would pass from the fever, and  I do not remember much, but I do remember the demon coming to me at night. I feared he was there to claim my soul. I had been Ill I don't know how long, the night it came to me. I remember seeing him through the haze of my fever, at first I thought he was an angel come to take me to heaven. As he came closer to the bed in which I lay I looked into his eyes, it was then I knew he was no angel.

I awoke the following morning, soaked in sweat, the fever had broken. My physicians were all around me,  tending to me. My body had been ravaged by the fever, and was yet another week before I was permitted to leave my bed. Since he was king, Merek was not permitted to visit me for fear he would fall I'll as well, but as soon as the fever broke he was by my side, and refused to leave,Kneeling in prayer thanking God for sparing my life

When I was finally strong enough to leave my sick bed, I was told that the fever had ravaged the kingdom, many had died. I was lucky they said, though at times since I wished that I had died with the others, it was they who were truly lucky.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016



I hope this letter finds you in time, I am Allinor, the mother you never got to know, please know that I love you and did what was necessary for your survival. The time has come for you to know the truth, I have waited as long as I have been able, but circumstances have changed, and it's time for you to come home, to reclaim what is rightfully yours.  There is much to say and my time is limited. I write this in secret, for fear he will find out. Perhaps it would be best if I start from the beginning...