Thursday, July 21, 2016

Chapter Three

Tristan was supposed to have been killed, but the servant girl charged with the task could not do it. Alice smuggled the child to an abandoned room in the north tower, keeping him alive. She made a home for him in the tower, with a bed for her and a pallet on the floor for him. She spent her nights caring for her ward, and the days caring for her distraught Queen. To keep him silent during the day, she dosed Tristan with a sleeping potion, so his cries would not be met with suspicion.

Merek accused me of betraying him, though I tried my hardest to convince him otherwise, I was banished to the south tower until he decided what to do with me. I spent a month in the tower, before Merek decided to grant me an audience.

When I was brought before him I fell down on my knees and plead for my life, as it was his decision if I lived or died. "Merek, please forgive me. I never meant to betray you, I love you and only you." As I met his gaze his eyes softened for just a moment and he spared my life. "I Loved you too Allinor"

The kingdom needed an heir, so I had a purpose. Merek could have executed me and remarried, but then the subjects would wonder why. This way, he would get his heir, and the kingdom would remain ignorant to what I had given birth to. Our staff were told that the child had died in birth, only those of us present for the birth knew the truth.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Chapter Two

The months passed and I found myself ill again, though this was a different kind of illness, this was the kind that came with the new life growing inside me. Merek was pleased when I told him the news, he was hoping for a son, though he was worried since the fever had taken a toll on me, and didn't want to take a chance of anything happening to the baby, so I was ordered to bed for the entirety of my pregnancy

 When my pains came, Merek insisted on being present for the birth of his firstborn. The baby was born backwards, with his legs being born first. It was a difficult birth, but as soon as Merek saw that it was a boy, the elation on his face made it all worth it. At that moment, before his eyes had opened, he was named. Tristan, first born of Merek and heir to Lanos. He had the most beautiful dark hair, though both Merek and I had light. He was placed in my arms and as Merek looked into the eyes of his son, I saw the horror on his face.

Tristan's eyes glowed the same as the demon in my fevered nightmare, he was not Merek's son.

Merek was furious, and ordered the child destroyed, ignoring my pleas for mercy. As his eyes met mine all the love was gone from them, in it's place was a cold anger. My son, my Tristan was taken from my arms and carried away, his cries and mine mixing into a sound I'll never forget.