Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chapter One

More than thirty years past, this tale begins.

I was a young naive girl of eighteen, newly wed to the Merek, the King. He was a kind and generous man, always putting the needs of his kingdom first. He was older than me, by nearly fifteen years, but I was pleased I could do what was expected of me, for my family. Our kingdom was the most prosperous in the land, with nobles coming from far and wide to pay their respects to their king and his new bride. I came to love Merek in less time than I thought I would, as he was an easy man to love.

Until I fell ill early in the second year of our marriage, that is. The physicians feared I would pass from the fever, and  I do not remember much, but I do remember the demon coming to me at night. I feared he was there to claim my soul. I had been Ill I don't know how long, the night it came to me. I remember seeing him through the haze of my fever, at first I thought he was an angel come to take me to heaven. As he came closer to the bed in which I lay I looked into his eyes, it was then I knew he was no angel.

I awoke the following morning, soaked in sweat, the fever had broken. My physicians were all around me,  tending to me. My body had been ravaged by the fever, and was yet another week before I was permitted to leave my bed. Since he was king, Merek was not permitted to visit me for fear he would fall I'll as well, but as soon as the fever broke he was by my side, and refused to leave,Kneeling in prayer thanking God for sparing my life

When I was finally strong enough to leave my sick bed, I was told that the fever had ravaged the kingdom, many had died. I was lucky they said, though at times since I wished that I had died with the others, it was they who were truly lucky.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016



I hope this letter finds you in time, I am Allinor, the mother you never got to know, please know that I love you and did what was necessary for your survival. The time has come for you to know the truth, I have waited as long as I have been able, but circumstances have changed, and it's time for you to come home, to reclaim what is rightfully yours.  There is much to say and my time is limited. I write this in secret, for fear he will find out. Perhaps it would be best if I start from the beginning...